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Kasadya Hellhound Defined (Kasadya Hellhound Series) Page 14

  And just as swiftly as it was there, it was stolen away. With a deafening roar he turned on the hellhounds and returned the blows. He grabbed Max and ripped off his leg, Max's roar of pain tumbled over the battlefield towards me. My heart seized at the sight. Zurita's wings were ripped off and she was thrown away. Her cry of pain froze me in place. Lada and the other hellhound were next, just as Michael and Uriel reached them. He didn’t even waste time and the same happen to them. Angel wings were ripped from their bodies and they were cast away into the frenzy battle.

  “No, dear God in heaven, no. Please don’t let him get to Kasadya,” I pleaded, my heart breaking. Again, I willed myself to get up. My feet were the only things responding. My back and wings were still limp. I needed to get to her. I needed to save her. "Kasadya!" I called out in desperation. "Please, wake up!"

  The beast stopped and looked at me, a jagged smile taunting me from afar. He turned and crashed into the building. Concrete and wood scattered into the air from the impact.

  Every function in my body stopped dead. I was already dead with her.


  Mr. Demon

  This is too easy. I expected a lot more. All those centuries dreaming of this day, dreaming of my revenge upon this world and everything He created. Oh and my revenge will be brutal, horrific even. His precious children will bear my wrath and carry the pain for their Father. I laughed, so delighted with my victory. But first, an old friend. I crashed through another wall. Concrete and wood didn’t even stop me. I was in reach of the most delicious revenge. Ah, I can already hear the agony in his voice. I can already see the pain on his face. So many nights I dreamt of how I would repay him for his treachery, and here it was, just in front of me. His little hellhound mate. She was something to enjoy when I held her captive. Fierce little thing, brutal even in her hellhound form, but still I enjoyed all those precious moments with her. I could still hear her screams as I evoked torture never even heard of before. Such sweet revenge.

  I turned around in the room, searching for her. I had her in my sights. I found her, ready to attack, but what I saw had me stopping dead in my tracks.

  "Hellhound, what are you doing?"

  "It ends here, now." Her green eyes were serious.

  "I told you that I will not engage with you. Step aside. Now"

  "And I told you that you will not succeed. Now, get back out there or I will finish you here, now."

  I laughed at her.

  "Raven, you know you can’t kill me. We have been through this before." Her eyes narrowed at me, and for a brief second, I could see her doubt.

  I took a step forward and could see my target lying behind her, still unconscious.

  "Don’t," Raven warned, her swords ready.

  "Look around you. I have already won. Do you see Chax? Do you even see an angel? It's over. You have a choice. You can step aside and live - or die here with her and all of the others. Make no mistake. Nothing, not even you, will stand in my way. I will have my vengeance." My patience with her had reached a dangerous level.

  Although I don’t want to hurt her, if I must, then so be it.

  Her green eyes narrowed at me. "Bring it on."

  Clearly she wasn’t going to budge on this one. I should have known her hellhound would never let her side with evil; it was programmed into their DNA. Ah well, then so shall it be.



  "Kasadya! Wake up!"

  The voice just wouldn’t stop. I groaned and tried to open my eyes. They were heavy and aching. What the hell happened? I tried again. Again I failed.


  The voice was growing urgent, desperate even.

  Hell, just give me a minute. Something clearly drove right over me. As my mind cleared, the sounds around me came crashing down on me, and I mean that literately. A huge fight was taking place around me. A roar had me flinching and grabbing my head. Oh, that hurts! I tried to pry open my eyes again. This time I could see two figures fighting each other. One was small and had wings, the other was huge, three times the size of the other. What the hell? I tried rolling over to try and get up. My muscles ached and jumped with the effort. Finally, I was on my left side and looking straight at the fight.

  "Kasadya! The devil is coming for you. Please, please wake up!

  Huh? Suddenly the memory of what had happening crashed down on me. I sucked back a breath remembering the pain the divinity slammed into me so many times. That hurt, epically. Now with my bearings back, I knew whose voice was calling at me so franticly. "Chax?"

  "Oh, thank the heavens. Kasadya, you need to move. He is in the building with you. I can’t move. I have to wait until my back is healed. I need you to move and keep out of his reach until then."

  The battle before me raged on, and my vision started to clear. Oh no, that's not good. Was that-? Raven? What the hell is going on? She was knocked backwards, landing against the wall. She slid down to the floor and growled. I looked at the figure that just slammed her. Oh no. Mr. Demon was standing there looking really content with himself. He loomed over Raven as she struggled to get back up. She was covered in blood, but still she was trying to continue. Yep, this would be my cue. With effort, I was on my feet. I moved my legs to start waking them up.

  "I told you to stay down!" he bellowed at her when she was finally on her feet as well.

  "And I told you to go to hell," she sneered at him.

  I took a deep breath and let go of the wall I stood against. My body felt awkward, like it didn’t recognized itself. I was having trouble controlling my movements and staying up.

  Cries of agony slammed into me. Roars came next, fueled by fury. I shook my head, trying to recollect myself. What the hell was that? Again, I was slammed with voices, and even emotions. Pain, despair, anger; all of it bombarded me. I sucked in a breath. What was happening? Shaking my head, I tried to dull the interference.

  "Kasadya, the wall is back up again. We need to get him back into hell. On earth, he is unstoppable." Chax’s voice was mingled with the others, but I focused on his voice the moment I heard my name.

  Alright, get Mr. Demon back in hell. Can’t be too difficult. I decided to transform, and with it came the most amazing transformation.

  Power suddenly slammed into my body, my muscles jumping back into position and at attention. My wings spread out, stronger than ever before. My eyes zoomed in on the creature now choking Raven. So much power slammed into me. I was freaking powerful. Realization hit me. I was defined. Hell yeah, bring it on!

  I shifted and slammed into Mr. Demon, sending him crashing through the wall. He dropped Raven, and I quickly scooped her up and placed her behind a few crates in the room. She was out cold, but still alive. "Don’t you worry. He's getting it back double and more," I said, getting back up. Mr. Demon was getting back up at well. Show time.

  I stormed forward and tackled him straight through another wall, we crashed outside onto ground and into the battle still raging on.

  With grace I never had before, I was up on my feet and ready to meet him. He, on the other hand, was struggling his butt off to get up. Swords, I need swords. My eyes roamed him and I noticed that there was a sword sticking out from him, Chax's sword to be exact. Well, problem solved. I launched for him and pulled out the sword, simultaneously ducking and rolling under him as he got up. My sword glided over his stomach. A gut wrenching roar sounded around me as I got back up on my feet and looked at him. Wow, this sword is awesome! He was sliced open, and trying to hold his guts inside him. Oh, this is going to be so much fun. I had so much payback to give him. I'll start by ripping his heart out and then shoving it down his bloody throat!

  He looked up at me. "You will pay for that." He started to move towards me. I smiled. I was going to make him scream. He loved hearing me scream? Let’s find out if he screams like a girl too.

  Chapter 18

  "Push him back to the wall, Kasadya. He heals to fast on earth." Chax’s voice stopped my advance.
/>   "Why not just kill him?" I retorted.

  "It's not that simple. You would have to make sure that his head is severed completely, and we tried getting to it. Remember he was an archangel before this, his skills matching ours."

  "That sucks. I'll try and push him back, but if I get a clear shot, his ass is mine."

  I ducked as his claw came swinging down at me, turning at the same time and slashing open his side. He roared again and grabbed it. With my divinity and hellhound sight, I could see the previous wound already stitching back together. Chax was not kidding. This demon heals super fast. Turning around, I launched myself at him again, a g-force push was coming straight at his face. He tried to duck, but it was too late. Landing on my feet again, I watched with utter fascination as his huge body traveled through the air towards the wall. He landed hard just a few yards from it. I looked behind him, watching angels flying franticly at the wall, killing any demon that came near it. They were protecting the wall, no wait, they were waiting for me. Alright, time to kick it up a notch. I shifted and pulled at the energy around me at the same time. Landing, I released the punch and watched him slam straight into the wall. He was so mincemeat. I shifted again, but now the real problem began. How to get his big ass through the gate?

  I landed next to him, placing Chax's sword in my sleuth. I looked at the wall and saw that a gate was already open and waiting. Another two hundred meters and his ass would be fried, again. I grabbed hold of one of his feet and pulled with everything I had. His body followed the momentum and I started turning around, aiming for the gate. I released him and stopped, watching him fly through the air. Unfortunately I missed and he landed against the wall again. Dammit!

  I shifted again but my face was greeted with a punch from him. Staggering backwards, I regained my footing. Wow, he packed a punch. He was on his feet and waiting.

  "One more step and I will order them to kill him!" he roared at me.

  At first I had no idea what he was talking about, but then I stopped, knowing exactly what he meant. I turned frantically, searching for him.

  "Get him through that gate. Do not stop!" Chax ordered.

  I finally found him and my heart stopped beating. Somehow a horde of demons had surrounded him, a few holding their swords ready to kill him. The others were preventing everyone else from reaching him.

  "I said get him back into hell!"

  But I couldn’t. I just stood there, looking at him pinned down by demons. Even now he was still a warrior, still fighting for everyone else except himself. How selfless he was. He always had been. I dropped my sword and kept my eyes on the demons. I couldn’t sacrifice my heart; this was our weakness. Our love for each other could be taken advantage of.

  "Kasadya!" Chax was furious with me.

  "I can't."

  "Yes, you can. My life is worth all of the souls on this planet. Get him back inside now!"

  Emerald green eyes were boring into mine, fury making them shine. Nerved, I turned around to face Mr. Demon again.

  He was breathing hard, but was already completely healed. I looked at the gate right behind him. Just a little to the left and I could have done it. Defeated, I kept still. Chax was yelling at me. Vulcan was yelling at me. Michael was yelling at me. They were all pretty pissed at me.

  "Kas, when I say ‘now,’ you shift to Chax and stop their blades." Raven's voice was strong, confident and suddenly foreign.

  "Raven, what are you doing? I can’t." I tried to reason with her.

  "Just do what I say." I didn’t know this Raven.

  Her voice sounded like someone who had been around for centuries. Cold, ruthless and kind of scary.

  "Now!" Her voiced boomed in my head, and I shifted.

  I had the vision of the demons and Chax in my mind and landed precisely where I needed to be. I raised my arm with the jagged bone and blocked their swords from reaching Chax. Pushing back up I threw them backwards, away from Chax. I grabbed hold of Chax and shifted. We landed a few yards from the gate. He was still on the ground, so I quickly rolled him over to look at him. "Chax, Chax, are you alright?" My heart was pounding so hard it ranged in my ears.

  "Why do you never listen to me? Why?" he said, coughing out dust.

  Crazy as I was, I smiled at him. "Because you always give such stupid orders," I fired back.

  "Stupid? Kasadya, he will doom this world." Chax was serious, as always.

  I looked up at the gate where I last saw Mr. Demon. He was gone, the gate closed off completely. Standing in front of it was Raven, holding her stomach. She was watching it intently, as if she was afraid he would be able to come back through it. "Raven saved us," I breathed with relief.

  I don’t know how, or what the hell was going on, but I was relieved. I turned and watched the battlefield. Demons shifted out, a few killed before they could. The fallen and angels were giving them hell. "It's over, Chax." I looked back down at him.

  "It will never be over, Kasadya. As long as he lives, it will never be over," he said, his hand smoothing over my cheek.

  True, as long as evil existed, this war would never end. But with it we will always remain, ready to protect this world and the souls within it. Regardless if that soul was evil or good, it was our responsibility, and we would never fail.

  "Yeah, I think things are back to normal for a few centuries." I grinned at him.

  "You look amazing." He smiled back, and a blush broke out all over me.

  "Ah, thanks. Now, let's get you to Maia and get this world back to normal." I shifted with him to Maia's. She, Melissa, Amon and another spirit fae were running around trying to heal as many fallen as they could. Her house was infested with them. I picked up Chax and looked around for a spot to put him down.

  "Maia can’t help me, Kasadya," he suddenly said.

  I looked at him. "How are we going to heal you?"

  He smiled so beautifully, even covered in blood and gore. "I need to go home."

  Oh, yeah right, totally forgot about that.

  Gabriel shifted in and strolled over to us. He extended his hands, but not a word came from him.

  "Gabriel will take me back. Help the fallen, Kasadya. I can hear them all in our bond. You have become their keeper." Chax kissed me softly and leaned towards Gabriel.

  Gabriel gently took hold of him. With a smile and a nod he shifted out, taking Chax with him.

  The moment they were gone and I had no reason to block them out, hundreds of voices bombarded me. I looked around. There were a lot of wounded on the battlefield, and we would need to get them back.

  "Maia, where can we take the wounded?!" I yelled over the room.

  "Um, I don’t know." She was baffled by all the wounded and confused.

  "Take them to the compound. We have everything we need there and a lot of space," Amon instructed, grabbing a fallen male and shifting with him.

  "Orders, what are the orders?" a voice asked.

  Instinct took over and guided me. "We are taking all the wounded to the human compound run by Amon. Start shifting them there." I gave the first order of the day and shifted to the battlefield myself. It took the remainder of the day to collect and shift all the wounded. Once secured, I ordered some fallen to stay behind to help Maia and the others. With a handful of fallen I shifted back to the battlefield. We had to make sure the remains were gone, or the humans would go crazy. The prayer I never could get right flowed out of me as I disintegrated a fallen female’s body. We did the same with the demon bodies, making sure to leave no evidence.

  "Kas," Michael said from behind me.

  I stood and turned towards him. "Yeah."

  "No need to be concerned about the human bodies, or of those who witness this. My legion will take care of that." He helped solved the problem I was worrying about.

  I was standing over a human male, but my prayer didn’t work on him. I wondered what we were going to do about them. "It seems to be all clear now," I said, looking around.

  "Yes, it seems fine. Go take car
e of the fallen, Kas. We have this. Chax will be with you shortly; he is healing well." Michael smiled at me.

  I nodded and instructed the fallen to return to the compound where we assisted all through the night. The wounded were healed one at a time. I found Max and almost had a heart attack. Nanini was hurt badly as well. As far as I ventured in the mass of wounded, I found my friends, my family. I was grateful they all survived. Although broken and in need of massive healing, they were alive. It could have been one of their bodies I had to take care of out there.